BORDER is a virtual reality event and documentary. The show takes its audience on a motorbike journey through dramatic scenery that has provoked debate, conflict, poetry and questions of national identity. Using 360 filming technology, this thrilling experience celebrates the communities and people of Northern Ireland.
Working with long term collaborator Abigail Conway, I was invited onto the project to provide sound design and composition for a VR / 360 film documenting a motorcycle journey along the Irish / Northern Irish border.
This was my first opportunity to work with VR / 360 film so decided to develop the soundtrack in Reaper using the FB360 Spatial Workstation to deliver the final audio in an ambisonic format to allow for the audio to be ‘headtracked’ in the 360 film. The meant that audio coul be tied visual elements of the film, so as the viewer turns their head, audio components move along with the perspective of the viewer to create a realistic and immersive audio expereince to accompany the film.
‘BORDER - A VR RIDE’ was shown at the Art 50 Openfest festival at the Barbican on the 23rd February 2019.