Death and Gardening is a physical comedy exploring the human instinct to reject death. I was luck enough to work with Wet Picnic Theatre the inception of this project over two years ago. I was invited to join the company throughout the devising process for this piece, spending weeks at a time with the whole company at their creative hub in Eastleigh in Hampshire. The company wanted sound and music to be an integral part of the show, so much so that they would often ask me to "make a sound" or "play us some random music you like", using these ideas to start exploring characters, themes and ideas for the piece. It was great to be part of the collaborative process throughout, contributing towards the overall aesthetic through sound.
This is a theme we used for a scene where a rather comedic sexually charged nurse is trying to help the lead character come to terms with his death. We played around with it in the space, where the sound and character was developed simultaneously.
As well as creating original music and editing existing material, I also made all the sound effects, ambiences and transitory sounds throughout the piece. Here I put together a collection of hospital noises with some recorded dialogue to bring our character in and out of his coma state and into his dream world.